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Frequently Asked Questions

Happy Teens
Online Class
Diverse Kindergarten

What is the therapy process like?
The process starts with an intake and evaluation meeting. Following that, a unique treatment plan is developed. Therapy is usually 
recommended 1-2x per week for 30-45 minutes.


Where do I receive treatment?
We serve clients in our Charlotte office, via telehealth, and in schools. Part of the week is also spent in Myers Park to reach families who live in all areas of Charlotte.


Do I need an evaluation?

We accept outside evaluations completed within the last 12 months.


What are your hours?

Tuesday-Friday, by appointment only.

What is myofunctional (“myo”) therapy?

Myo Therapy uses exercises to strengthen mouth and facial muscles. Clients will also learn feeding and swallowing skills + nose breathing and tongue posture.


Who can benefit from myo therapy?

Some signs include mouth breathing, thumb sucking or other oral habits, messy or picky eating, speech sound delays, current or past history of tongue or lip ties. Therapy is recommended for ages 4+.


Will myo therapy alone fix these issues?

A team approach is best. We collaborate with dentists, orthodontists, or ENTs.


Who can benefit from speech therapy?

  • New people have a hard time understanding your child

  • Repeating parts of a word or getting “stuck”

  • Difficulty relating to peers

  • School and/or reading challenges

What can speech therapy services treat?

  • Speech Sound Disorders (e.g., saying “tat” for “cat”)

  • Delayed phonological awareness (e.g., awareness of letter sounds
    + other pre-reading skills)

  • Receptive and expressive language delays (e.g., late talking + reading comprehension)

  • Written language delays (e.g., improving writing quality, grammar, and vocabulary)

  • Fluency disorders (e.g., repeating words or stuttering)

  • Social/Pragmatic Communication (e.g., social skills, body language, etc.)


Will my child just outgrow these things?

Research shows that the earlier a child is able to receive services, the better
their educational outcomes.


What is the difference between public and private speech therapy?

Public schools typically offer therapy in small groups, while private speech-language therapy is 1:1.


Do you collaborate with other professionals?

Yes! We believe in a whole-child and team-centered approach. We can also recommend professionals in other disciplines when needed.


Can we do summer only speech and/or both school-based and private therapy?

Yes! We are happy to collaborate with you and your child's school. We are also an ESA+ provider.

Which Schools Do You Serve?

We are currently providing services on-site at the following locations:

Charlotte Jewish Day School (CJDS)

Omni Montessori School

The Fletcher School

Trinity Episcopal School

Weddington Christian Academy

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