Looking for a new topic for speech and language activities? Consider marine animals, such as dolphins or turtles. Keep reading for ways to connect coastal animals to speech and language goals.
Vocabulary Hunt
š Objective: Improve vocabulary and word recall skills.
š Description: Create a list of marine-themed words such as "coral," "seashell," or "dolphin." Go on a scavenger hunt around your home or speech room to find objects related to these words. Encourage descriptive language and conversation while exploring the treasures you discover.
Activity 2: Coastal Animal "Head's Up"
š Objective: Enhance descriptive language skills and answering wh-questions.
š Description: Write down names of various sea creatures on cards (e.g., "starfish," "octopus," "sea turtle") and distribute them. Place the card in front of you so others can see it and you cannot. Then, take turns asking questions about your animal and describing others' animals. Try to guess yours first!
Ocean Animal Articulation
š¦ Objective: Practice speech sounds and articulation.
š Description: Choose a specific ocean animal (e.g., "turtle," "whale") and create a list of words containing target speech sounds. Create a story about your animal incorporating your speech sounds.
Readers: Have you tried any of these speech and language games?
About the Author: Melissa Goff, M.S, CCC-SLP, is the owner of Sunflower Speech & Myo Therapy, PLLC, in Charlotte, NC.