Can you say that three times fast?! Tongue twisters are a fun way to practice speech sounds for kids at the sentence and conversational level. First, have your child practice each word slowly. Then, see if he or she can say the sentence three times in a row while pronouncing the sounds.
/S/ Tongue Twister Ideas:
-Sally sells seashells by the seashore.
-Silly seals slide in the sea.
-Snakes slither slowly.
/R/ Tongue Twister Ideas:
-Reese wears an Irish wristwatch.
-Red lorry, yellow lorry.
-Rory rolls round and round.
Readers: Do you like tongue twisters? What are some of your favorites?
About the Author: Melissa Goff, M.S, CCC-SLP, is the owner of Sunflower Speech & Myo Therapy, PLLC, in Charlotte, NC.